
The Call of a Vanguard Leader...

What does it mean to be a Vangaurd Leader? The Joshua Generation Leadership Team is called to be a Vangaurd Leader within the United Church of Christ.

Some thoughts on vanguard leadership...

“A vanguard stands at the forefront of a movement and at the head of an army. Entering the twenty-first century, church leaders march in the vanguard moving in front of the body of Christ. Leaders in the vanguard move ahead understanding that God already lives in the future. Nothing surprises or confuses [them.] [They are] very comfortable with change, simple or complex. God’s vanguard leaders have God’s equipping Word, Spirit and wisdom for these times.” p. xi

“John the Baptist set a standard for all vanguard leaders. He stood between two eras, two time periods and two covenants. He was a forerunner. Something new followed his ministry, yet he faced the future with confidence given by God. Consider the characteristics and distinctives of vanguard leaders such as relational integrity, the difference between hype and anointing and the kind of success God can bless.” p. xii-xiii

“Vanguard leaders are innovative, unafraid to introduce new ideas, methods, structures or programs. They are motivated, courageous, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, honest, optimistic and enthusiastic, risk-takers, energetic, persuasive, principles, wise and balanced.” p. xiii

“Vanguards point the way for others. They run forward to scout the future. They advance ahead of others to see what awaits the main body. As forerunners, they have the ability to live in the present and look into the future. They stand in the gap between two generations.” p. 1

“Vanguards have the unique responsibility to see into the future with prophetic insight, yet to be able to take the people pastorally, without discouragement form the present into the future.” p.3

~Excerpts taken from The Vanguard Leader: A New Breed of Leadership to Encounter the Future, by Frank Damazio

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