
A Message to the People of the UCC

Family, let's be honest. This is not easy time for us. We are truly at a decisive moment in the life of the United Church of Christ. All areas of the church are waking up and engaging in a very critical dialog. The future of this denomination remains to be seen. The question is what are we going to do?

Restructuring. Some of us are well aware of the overview of this picture. An even smaller group of us are intimately aware of its every detail. Most of us, however, have not even been remotely aware of the fact that the national UCC is undergoing a restructuring process. What does that say about how we are operating as a community of God?

As citizens of the United States of America, we would most definitely want to know if our legislative, judicial, and executive branches were being merged into one body. Not only would we want to know what was going on every step of the way, but we would also demand the right to participate in that very dialog! If that is the case, then as local church members, why shouldn't we know if the national body that governs our church was going through a drastic makeover? Why shouldn't we be able to discern, discuss, and contribute throughout the process? Did you know that, up until last Thursday (two days after we made documents public), the national offices had not posted any of the restructuring documents for public viewing on the UCC website?

In an effort of transparency, it is one of the missions of the Joshua Generation Leadership Team to bring that information to YOU, which is why we have posted the materials from the beginning. We want you, as a local church member, to have access to all aspects of the discussion. So many have been removed from the process and whether intentional or not, that is simply not fair. Whether you are in the pews, at the pulpit, or are serving the wider community, it is important that ALL members of the UCC know that at the national level there has been long discussions, heated debates, polarized positions, and some down right difficult conversations going on regarding the fate of the national church, all happening in a vacuum. We feel that you deserve the right to know what has been going on. Click here to review the documents regarding the proposed restructure.

Please take the time to carefully review the correspondence, to read the proposals, to see the voices that have cried out concerns. Just as we know certain media outlets glaze over the truth, it must be said that certain people's truths in this denomination has too been glazed over. The press releases reporting on the governance process have not adequately reflected the reality of the discussion because the details have been left out. Those details are critical pieces that must not be disregarded or overlooked.

This is not a war being waged by a disgruntled few. This is not an effort to divide the church. This is an attempt to awaken every channel and to engage every person as to what is happening and why so many people feel strongly enough to speak up about the concerns in the governance proposal. Those concerns are real and they are valid. Before we move forward and drastically change the United Church of Christ as we know it, let's take the time to pause and reflect so all can be heard. If you agree with this, join us in signing A Call to Action Regarding Concerns about the UCC Proposed Restructure.

The United Church of Christ or The Untied Church of Christ?

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." ~Ecc. 4:9-12

Today the United Church of Christ, after weeks of soliciting our financial support, launched the Steeples commercial. Inspired by this nursery rhyme of our childhood, we are reminded that the doors of the Church are always open and all are welcome to enter. 

Uniting her hands tightly together, this young girl declares, "Here is the church." As faces flash across the screen we see a multitude of men, women and children who make up our beloved United Church of Christ. Nearly everyone is seen in this commercial. In fact, when we watch this commercial, we feel united.

Isn't there something about this little girl bringing her hands together that conjures feelings of unity? United, her hands form a posture for prayer. United, each finger finds a secure space where it feels a sense of belonging. United, we are asked to reflect upon the strength it takes to be a United Church of Christ.

The images found in this commercial proclaim to the world that we are a united church. If we are a united church, then why do so many feel we are coming untied? When two strings are united each piece fits firmly together, but when two strings become untied, it is often because one string is not supportive of the other.

We respect the work that our church has been doing in response to how we ought to govern ourselves. The efforts of so many have been to form a better church, a church that can most effectively respond to the call of ministry in the world. While the intention has been to unite, what is evident is that this church might in fact, be untying. 

After reading the new proposed restructure, there are many who feel that this new structure will cause their voices to be diminished. We have always understood the United Church of Christ to have a table where everyone can take a seat. However, concern is spreading across the denomination because so many feel the rhetoric of the United Church of Christ does not match its reality. 

The Joshua Generation Leadership Team of the Urban Ministries Network is asking you to read the current information regarding the Church's restructuring proposal. As of today, nearly 253 people have read the proposed restructuring plan and feel that rather than be a United Church of Christ, we are moving towards becoming an Untied Church of Christ. 

The question is not about how many people feel the current proposal will unite us or untie us. The question is, how will we respond to those faces, those names, those people -all who feel that the support that this denomination projects, is no where to be found. 

If you would like to see our beloved United Church of Christ come together and make room for all voices to be heard, join us as we dialogue about the current proposal before us.


A Call To Action Regarding Concerns About the UCC Proposed Restructure

The Call of a Vanguard Leader...

What does it mean to be a Vangaurd Leader? The Joshua Generation Leadership Team is called to be a Vangaurd Leader within the United Church of Christ.

Some thoughts on vanguard leadership...

“A vanguard stands at the forefront of a movement and at the head of an army. Entering the twenty-first century, church leaders march in the vanguard moving in front of the body of Christ. Leaders in the vanguard move ahead understanding that God already lives in the future. Nothing surprises or confuses [them.] [They are] very comfortable with change, simple or complex. God’s vanguard leaders have God’s equipping Word, Spirit and wisdom for these times.” p. xi

“John the Baptist set a standard for all vanguard leaders. He stood between two eras, two time periods and two covenants. He was a forerunner. Something new followed his ministry, yet he faced the future with confidence given by God. Consider the characteristics and distinctives of vanguard leaders such as relational integrity, the difference between hype and anointing and the kind of success God can bless.” p. xii-xiii

“Vanguard leaders are innovative, unafraid to introduce new ideas, methods, structures or programs. They are motivated, courageous, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, honest, optimistic and enthusiastic, risk-takers, energetic, persuasive, principles, wise and balanced.” p. xiii

“Vanguards point the way for others. They run forward to scout the future. They advance ahead of others to see what awaits the main body. As forerunners, they have the ability to live in the present and look into the future. They stand in the gap between two generations.” p. 1

“Vanguards have the unique responsibility to see into the future with prophetic insight, yet to be able to take the people pastorally, without discouragement form the present into the future.” p.3

~Excerpts taken from The Vanguard Leader: A New Breed of Leadership to Encounter the Future, by Frank Damazio


Book Project

Since the focus of the Joshua Generation Leadership Team is leadership, we are working on a book project that will help Urban Ministers know who to establish ministry within the concrete jungle. This book will feature some of the best urban pastors that this country has to offer. Spreading across color and denominational lines this book will help any pastor trying to focus their ministry.

Each chapter of the book will feature a church and a specific ministry they have handled well.

Look for this soon.

Conversation on Race or Racism...You be the judge?

On May 18th, UCC congregations across our nation were encouraged to engage in conversations about Race. In fact in a recent interview Linda Jaramillo, executive minister of justice and witness ministries for the United Church of Christ , acknowledge that racism is deeply embedded in our past and present.

Many conversations on May 18th focused on race and started us towards the right direction. However, the Joshua Generation feels a calling to lead our beloved denomination in a conversation to take things further. Lets have a conversation on Racism

Written from a variety of different perspectives, the Joshua Generation Leadership Team is in the process of preparing a bible study/devotional handbook for people who want to take the conversation a step further. Written by the next generation for this generation, we will seek to make people aware of subconscious racism, what it feels like to be violated against because of race, unspoken thoughts and so much more. This project is scheduled to be released in January 2009.

If you would like more information on this project or would like to participate (deadline for submissions: November 1, 2008) please e-mail us at JoshuaGenerationlt@gmail.com and we will get this necessary information out to you ASAP.

We are changing...PALANAs

After long meetings this past week in Cleveland the Joshua Generation group worked diligently with the term "People of Color." After the last joint board meeting it was determined that many of the racial-ethnic minorities found the term "People of Color" most degrading. We are all different and should not be lumped together because of the pigment in our skin.

In wrestling with this, and understanding that within the Urban context one in encounters so many, the group came up with the term PALANAs. (Just sound it out)


Pacific Islander

The wonderful piece of this term PALANAs is the A for Americans. We recognized that there are some who feel they will not fit in one of the categories. Our work is for all Americans and we find that this term can be inclusive rather than exclusive.

Mission Statement of the Joshua Generation Leadership Team

The mission of the Joshua Generation Leadership Team, supported by the Urban Ministries, of the United Church of Christ seeks to:

  • Provide training in which we recognize, develop, nurture, empower and educate relevant vanguard leadership for the 21st century Church and community with an intentional focus on Urban Ministries.
  • Create a network which serves as a group of innovative, motivated and courageous leaders who seek not only to witness or advocate, but to also bridge the past and the future with education and empowerment in the lives of those who are oppressed, especially those in the Urban context.
  • Support young adult PALANAs, advocate for a cooperative voice, and provide a safe space to address issues from the local to the national setting.